AG Law
A website for my fiance's father's law firm based in Modesto, California.
AG Law started as my final project for my coding boot camp. My fiance's father, Anthony, had recently passed the BAR exam and became a practicing attorney. The website he was using was a generic GoDaddy template, and I wanted to make a more appealing product.
My final project was merely a single home page made via create-react-app with limited functionality. I couldn't even get react-scroll to work, nor did the contact form connect to a database. The only "advanced" feature it had was storing associate lawyers in MongoDB, but I confess one of the class TAs helped with setting that up and fetching the data. Subsequently, it has been my go-to project every time I learn a new technology.
Take Aways
- Furthered developed Next.js skills
- How to store data in and fetch from React Markdown files
- Submitting form data to a database
- Simple filtering with booleans
Tech Stack
- Next.js
- Node.js
- MongoDB
- React Markdown
Ever since the coding boot camp, I've been determined to further my development skills and create for Anthony a real, working website he can use. Although this project is strictly for portfolio purposes, I have learned a lot in a year and a half since earning my certificate and my next stage is to make a real world application.
Currently, I am collaborating with Anthony exactly what he wants in his website and planning technologies to be used, folder structure, color themes, and functionality. As of now, I plan to use Next.js, Apollo, Node.js, Keystone Headless CMS, and GraphQL.